Terms & Conditions

The present legal notice defines the conditions of use of the orchestro-solution.com website. By accessing the site’s services, users accept these terms of use without reservation.

Reveals does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information available on reveals.com and cannot be held responsible for the information, products and services presented on the site. It is the user’s responsibility to use the information with caution and to carry out all necessary checks before making any commitments.


  • Identification

Site owner and publisher: Reveals

Provider of innovative fintech solutions

Company address: 33 avenue de la Liberté, L-1931 Luxembourg

Company registration number: B257393

Email : contact@reveals.lu


  • Website host

The website is hosted by Plesk, in accordance with its privacy policy available on its website.


  • Personal data

Personal data collected on orchestro-solution.com is intended for Reveals. In particular, this collection allows us to:

– Responding to requests for information made on the site,

– Sending commercial information by email, subject to user consent or when authorized by law,

– To compile statistics in order to improve the site.

Users have the right to access, rectify and delete any personal data concerning them, which may be exercised by contacting the above address.


  • Intellectual Property

The presentation and content of the site, including trademarks, logos, images, databases and texts are protected by intellectual property laws and are the property of Reveals or have been the subject of an authorization for use. No reproduction, even partial, other than for private use, may be made without the prior consent of Reveals.

  • Hypertext links

    Reveals provides links to other sites, but cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites or the consequences of their use.
  • Accessibility and malfunctions

Reveals cannot be held responsible for temporary inaccessibility of the site for technical reasons or for any damage that may result. The publisher reserves the right to suspend access to the site for maintenance without notice.

  • Changes to the legal notice

Reveals reserves the right to modify this legal notice at any time. Users are invited to consult them regularly.

These conditions are governed by Luxembourg law. Any dispute relating to the use of the orchestro-solution.com website shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Luxembourg courts.